Sunday, January 11, 2009

Is Chemo This Easy?

Wow...this chemo has been so easy. Yes, I had a few days of body pain and not wanting to get out of bed. But I could get out of bed and I was able to make all my own meals - except for one dinner where I had Geoff bake me a sweet potato and I mashed some tofu in it. I had a bit of nausea but mostly just not feeling like eating. I still don't want to eat but I am able to. Forcing water and food isn't anywhere near as bad as I have had to force before.

So I took a shower today and will take Aimee to school tomorrow morning and drop her off (because Geoff has to go early to PCS with Jason). I still don't want to go out and get around lots of people just because I'm worried about my immune system and feel kind of low energy. Tuesday I will go in to get my blood checked and that will be the test for whether this amount of chemo is right for me.

I've also been taking some immune building & colitis resolving Chinese herbs. This was the first chemo I've done where I could actually take the herbs regularly without them interfering with food and water intake. So maybe that's also what is helping me feel so good this time or just being off those antibiotics. Or maybe I've just been through such hell that I really don't know what chemo is supposed to be like normally and what I've gone through before makes what I went through this time seem like such a piece of cake.

If this is what it's supposed to be like, then it's incredibly doable.

And I do still feel a difference in the lump so I guess all along I've just needed less than the normal person. I kinda knew that before the very first chemo I got but didn't have the strength of conviction to demand it. Everything was all so scary and overwhelming for me in the beginning.

Now I'm a seasoned pro.

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